Once again, Supreme Starlights remain the most succesful
squad returning home with yet another two trophies from Blackpool 2005. Despite music hiccups on both days, our talented girls
performed amazingly and came 1st in prep squad cheer and 2nd in prep squad dance, both great achievements! Well done prep
Above are the members of the prep squad who travelled
down to Nottingham
with us. The girls entered both Prep Squad Cheer and Prep Squad Dance and despite very close points between the top teams,
Starlight Preps retained the title of National Prep Squad champions for the 2nd year running and 2nd place in a highly competitive
Dance division. The girls brought tears to many a parents eyes and are the most succesful Starlight team so far! Well done
Past Prep Squad results:
1st Place Prep Squad Cheer BCA Nottingham 2006
2nd Place Prep Squad Dance BCA Nottingham 2006
1st Place Teenie Cheer UKCA 2006
2nd Place Teenie Stunt Group 2006
1st Place Teenie Pom Dance UKCA 2006
1st Place Prep Squad Cheer Northern Classics 2005
2nd Place Prep Squad Dance Northern Classics 2005
1st Place Prep Squad Cheer
Nottingham 2005
2nd Place Prep Squad Dance
Nottingham 2005
1st Place Prep squad Dance
Northern Classics 2004
1st Place Prep squad Cheer
Northern Classics 2004
1st Place Prep squad Nottingham